Kotha Therapy Center
Kotha is the therapy section of the Civil School Bangladesh. It provides children with Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) and Occupational Therapy (OT). The goal of Kotha is to ensure scientific, structured, and results-oriented therapy intervention strategies and practices for children’s smooth transition to formal schooling. It performs clinical assessments to identify children’s present situation related to communication and occupation. If your child struggles to comprehend what others are saying, to communicate with others, or to participate in daily and academic activities, you can come visit us. Therapists at Kotha provide life-changing therapy, support, and care for children who have difficulties with communication and daily activities by developing and implementing appropriate plans for children’s speech and language development and participating in everyday activities.
Speech and Language Therapy (SLT)

- Assessment of the child’s needs related to speech and language development by an experienced Clinical Speech and Language Therapist through a scientific and performance-based speech and language assessment session.
An in-depth assessment of the child’s overall development by an Early Childhood Development and Education expert following adapted ‘Developmental Checklists Birth to Five,’ (2006), The CNY Early Childhood Direction Center, Syracuse University, USA. (Free of charge).
Therapy Sessions
- Execution of daily sessions through joyful and performance-based learning and development activities and exercise according to the structured FLIP (Five Levels Intervention Program) goals. Kotha Team developed FLIP based on the Early Intervention Guidelines of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA); Categories of Auditory Performance (CAP) by Archbold, S., Lutman, M. E., & Marshall, D. H.; and The Receptive-Expressive Emergent Language (REEL) by Bzoch, K. R., & League, R.
- Implementing FLIP (Five Levels Intervention Program) goals in four areas (Receptive, Expressive, Speech, and Cognition) of Speech and Language Development and providing Oral Placement Therapy (OPT) and Articulation Therapy using a wide range of learning materials and therapy equipment and tools based on the child’s needs.
- Guardian’s hands-on skill development in the therapy sessions and delivery of Daily Intervention Plan (DIP) digitally to ensure family members’ structured and scientific involvement in the child’s development.

Progress, Reporting and Outcome
- Progress Record keeping of the child’s development based on the FLIP (Five Levels Intervention Program) goals so that the authority can report the scales (not yet emerging/ emerging/ inconsistent use/ mastered) to the guardian regarding the achievement of goal(s) and levels.
- Performance-based evaluation of the child’s progress and progress reporting after the execution of a certain number of therapy sessions.
- Smooth transition to preschool or school grades based on achieving FLIP goals.
Occupational Therapy (OT)
- An in-depth assessment of the child’s overall development by an Early Childhood Development and Education expert following adapted ‘Developmental Checklists Birth to Five,’ (2006), The CNY Early Childhood Direction Center, Syracuse University, USA. (Free of cost).
- Assessment of the child’s needs related to gross motor, fine motor and self-care skills, ADHD, and Functional Tactile Object Recognition Skills by an experienced Clinical Occupational Therapist through a scientific and performance-based Occupational Assessment Session.

Therapy Sessions
Execution of daily sessions through joyful and performance-based learning and development activities and exercise according to the structured SLIP (Six Levels Intervention Program) goals. Kotha Team developed SLIP based on the Early Intervention Guidelines of Hawaii Early Learning Profile (2004), Peabody Developmental Motor Scale (2002), Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (2005) goals in three areas (Gross/Sensory Motor, Fine Motor, and Self-care) of occupational development.
Implementation of therapy sessions using a wide range of learning materials, therapy equipment, and tools based on the child’s needs.
Guardian’s hands-on skill development in the therapy sessions and delivery of Daily Intervention Plan (DIP) digitally to ensure family members’ structured and scientific involvement in the child’s development.
Progress, Reporting and Outcome
- Progress Record keeping of the child’s development based on the SLIP (Six Levels Intervention Program) goals so that the authority can report the scales (not yet emerging/ emerging/ inconsistent use/ mastered) to the guardian regarding the achievement of goal(s) and levels.
- Performance-based evaluation of the child’s progress and progress reporting after the execution of a certain number of therapy sessions.
- Smooth transition to preschool or school grades based on achieving SLIP goals.

Admission Information

Admission process
• Admission is open to all kids. Getting admission depends on the availability of seats. ‘First come, first served’ policy is followed for admitting kids.
• No admission fees are applicable for the students of Civil School Bangladesh and the kids of ChildCheer Daycare.
• A provision of a discount on Admission Fees for the kids who participate, simultaneously or just after completion of the therapy program at Kotha, in Preschool/School grade at Civil School Bangladesh or ChildCheer Daycare service.
Required documents for admission
• Recent Photograph of Child, Mother, and Father or Legal guardian in the absence of parents (Two copies of each).
• Photocopy of the Birth Certificate of the child.
• Photocopy of National ID card of Mother and Father or Legal guardian in the absence of parents.